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Building a Positive Service Mindset - EP 1: Driving motivation

Published on 2022/05/11


    1. What is the theme of the first episode?\n A. Motivation (正確答案)\n B. Concentration \n C. Imagination \n D. Resilience\n \n 2. There are three characteristics in procrastination, which of the following is not?\n A. Lack of interest \n B. Difficulty \n C. Insufficient money (正確答案)\n D. Relatively boring\n \n 3. In which circumstance do people who procrastinate start taking actions?\n A. When they have time \n B. When they feel good (正確答案)\n C. When they are offered help \n D. When they are full\n \n 4. What is lizard brain mainly responsible for?\n A. Managing emotions (正確答案)\n B. Analysing logic \n C. Memory \n D. Reflection\n \n 5. How many seconds are suggested to taking actions in mel robbins’ rule?\n A. 10 seconds \n B. 7 seconds \n C. 6 seconds \n D. 5 seconds (正確答案)\n \n 6. Applying mel robbin’s rule in overcoming procrastination, which internal process should be skipped?\n A. Lizard brain (正確答案)\n B. Prefrontal cortex \n C. Endorphin \n D. Hippocampus\n \n 7. Which of the following is applied in the concept “5-second countdown”?\n A. Quick action (正確答案)\n B. Complete at once\n C. Applying self-discipline \n D. Applying others-discipline\n \n 8. Which of the following explanation is irrelevant to “5-second countdown” rule?\n A. Creating the sense of ritual \n B. Creating tension \n C. Easy to operate \n D. Suitable for asians (正確答案)\n \n 9. When facing difficult tasks, what should we do?\n A. Break into smaller tasks (正確答案)\n B. Amplify the good sides \n C. Do it when we are free \n D. Ask for help\n \n 10. When people work on difficult tasks, they still procrastinate even when they are fully aware that they are supposed to finish it. What is the reason?\n A. Waiting for help \n B. Waiting for sufficient resources \n C. Waiting for the moment until they feel good (正確答案)\n D. Waiting for opportunities\n