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Building a Positive Service Mindset - EP 2: Boosting productivity

Published on 2022/05/11


    1. Which of the following behaviour theory is applied in this episode?\n A. Break into small pieces \n B. Get used to the environment \n C. Pomodoro time management \n D. Layout strategy (正確答案)\n \n 2. Which of the following concept comes from“implementation intention”?\n A. Theory of hasty \n B. Theory of environment \n C. Theory of revision \n D. Theory of when then (正確答案)\n \n 3. What are the two simple words applied in implementation intention?\n A. When+then (正確答案)\n B. If+there \n C. When+i \n D. While+then\n \n 4. The key concept of “theory of when then” is that, when you see an object, then the next action is:\n A. To change a location \n B. To look for a timing \n C. To work on something \n D. To implement some intentions (正確答案)\n \n 5. What do we call when there are multiple object reminders from the “theory of when then” ?\n A. Surrounding arrangement \n B. People arrangement \n C. Time arrangement \n D. Layout strategy (正確答案)\n \n 6. Under the concept of “Layout strategy”, to remind of intended good actions to be taken, you need to make the object:\n A. Disappeared \n B. increased \n C. Appeared (正確答案)\n D. Reduced\n \n 7. Under the concept of “layout strategy”, to reduce bad actions to be taken, you mainly need to make the object:\n A. Increased \n B. Reduced \n C. Hidden (正確答案)\n D. Amplified\n \n 8. Which of the following is not a step of “layout strategy”?\n \n A. Follow a daily routine \n B. Placing the red pocket at prominent position (正確答案)\n C. Placing object reminders \n D. Implement the intended action\n \n 9. After applying the three steps of “layout strategy”, when will it become a habit?\n A. Subconsciously (正確答案)\n B. Totally forget \n C. Sometimes remember \n D. thirty days later\n \n 10. Applying “layout strategy”, where should we place the promoting products to boost sales?\n A. On the internet \n B. At the entrance \n C. At the entrance and the checkout counter (正確答案)\n D. At the checkout counter \n