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Visit Application

How to apply

Application period: Application from schools, educational institutions and non-profit organizations shall be submitted at least 7 working days and up to 60 days prior to the preferred visit date.

Application procedures and required documents:

  1. Application can be submitted to the museum either by fax, email, post or in person, together with the application form for group visit (application form can be downloaded from Macao Government Tourism Office website or obtained from Macao Grand Prix Museum in person);
  2. Application should indicate the name of school, educational institution or non-profit organization, date and time of visit, number of visitors, preferred language of guided tour service and use of barrier-free facilities;
  3. All school visit applications shall be duly signed and sealed by the person in charge of school to indicate authenticity;
  4. Copies of relevant certified documents are necessary for visit application by all educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Applications shall be duly signed and sealed by the person in charge to indicate authenticity.

Location and service hours

Macao Grand Prix Museum


Fees: Please refer to the Macao Grand Prix Museum Ticket Admission.

Time for processing

Museum Visit: According to MGTO’s performance pledge guidelines, schools, educational institutions and non-profit organizations group visit application, museum reply within 5 working days from the following day after duly completed application form together with all necessary documents.

Remarks/ application requirements

Please refer to the following link:

  1. Notes on application for school, educational institution and non-profit organization of Macao Grand Prix Museum;
  2. Before visiting the museum, please read the Visitor Guidelines and follow the museum instructions;
  3. Application form download: Application form for group visit (The form has been in use since 1st June 2021). Visit will be arranged according to the order of application received.

Enquiry on progress and reception of services results

Enquiry on application progress: Application progress can be checked via telephone or email.

Way to obtain application result: Confirmation received via email.