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Public tender for adjudication of the service of Fireworks Display for the Celebration of 2014 Chinese New Year

Published on 2013/11/27

The Macau Special Administrative Region, through the Macau Government Tourist Office, announce in accordance to the approval of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of 7 of November 2013, the opening of public tender for adjudication of the service of Fireworks Display for the Celebration of 2014 Chinese New Year.

From the date of publication of the present notice, the information regarding the procedure of the Tender can be obtained on the normal working hours at Macau Government Tourist Office, situate in Alameda Dr. Carlos d' Assumpção, no. 335-341, 12th floor, "Hotline" building, Macau, and the copies of the tender including the Terms of Tender, General Conditions of the Bid and supplementary documents is available with a payment of two hundred patacas (MOP200.00), the bidders can also download the documents for the process of the tender on the website of Macau Government Tourist Office (

Tender explanation session to be held in Auditorium of Macau Government Tourist Office, situated in Macau, Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção, no. 335-341, "Hotline" Building, 14th floor, at 10:00 a.m. on 6th of December 2013.

The maximum limit of the global price for this service is MOP2,500,000.00 (two millions and five hundred thousands patacas).

Criterias for proposal evaluation and percentage:
Price  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    60%
Experience on large-scale of fireworks display for MGTO ----------------------20%
Greater guarantee on safety and efficiency on services provided
 (Information of relative equipments and launching program) ------------------


The bidder must submit the tenders, on the normal working hours until 17:30 p.m. on 13th of December 2013, in Macau Government Tourist Office, situated in Macau, Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção, no. 335-341, "Hotline" Building, 12th floor, the tenders should be made in one of the official languages of Macau SAR or in English, and provisional guarantee fee of MOP50,000.00 (fifty thousand patacas), to be made by 1) cash deposit to the account of Macau Government Tourist Office in Banco Nacional Ultramarino of Macau 2) bank guarantee 3) cash, cashier order or markgood cheque deposit directly to Macau Government Tourist Office, cashier order or markgood cheque should mention Macau Government Tourist Office as the payee 4) Wire Transfer to the account of Tourism Fund in Banco Nacional Ultramarino of Macau.

The opening of tender, in the Auditorium of Macau Government Tourist Office, situated in Macau, Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção, no. 335-341, "Hotline" Building, 14th floor, at 10:00 a.m. on 17th of December 2013.

According to the article no. 27 of Decree-Law no. 63/85/M, of 6 July, the legal representatives of the Bidder should be present on the public action of the opening of tenders for any complaints and/or explain any doubts regarding their respective tender.

The legal representative of the Bidder may appoint, by a notary certified power of attorney, an authorized representative to attend the public action of the Opening of the Tenders on their behalf.

Macau Government Tourist Office, on 20th of November 2013.

Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes